Thursday, December 31, 2009

My Commitments for 2010

Good morning, afternoon or evening!

I have realized this year, more than ever, that I serve a God who can handle all my needs. A God that I should turn to and have neglected at times. It has hurt both me physically, spiritually, and emotionally the amount of stress I have had to undertake. Some by choice and some by not.

It has caused me to reflect on what I want, need and am guided to do as Leader in my home, work, and ministry. Therefore, I am publicly making my commitment in hopes of encouraging people in leadership roles to improve their lifestyle and have healthy relationships. Here they are, in no particular order.

1. Manage my marriage by having a monthly date night

For many of you in ministry, you may struggle with this. You want to serve others in the church so bad because you have a passion for God that it neglects this area. I have a wonderful relationship with my wife. She is loving, supporting and puts up with me. She deserves alot of applause for being married to can only imagine some of the things she has to put with. But I must admit, that I need to pay more attention to this I mean to love her more than when I met her. most times....ministry hinders this area. I can't be a good leader if I don't lead in my marriage. So I am making marriage a priority and making sure I spend quality time with her which text, Facebook, or email message during that time.

2. Stop procrastinating at work, home, school, church...and any other areas.

You can ask any of my children...I confess I am a procrastinator. Being a procrastinator is good in some respects. It puts you under stress and allows you to perform better because time is not on your side. However, it also allows me to push things aside that need my attention and this can be both dangerous and disastrous. I am ready to move forward in this area and also learn when I need to put my foot down or just need to make a decision to get me where I need to go. I am sure those of you in leadership have problems with this area. Please tell me I am not the only one?

3. Connect with my children regularly through cards letters and phones calls

When a man neglects his family, how can he manage God's church. My family has expanded over the years. I have two daughters and one son. One daughter moved to Texas with my two grandchildren and son-in-law. My son is in the military and has been away more from me this year than in his entire life. My other daughter, son-in-law, and grandson live nearby. But no matter where they are...far or near...I still need to communicate with them. I need to call, email, text, write a letter or spend time with them. I need to maintain my relationship with them and remind them that I continually love them even when it hurts. Children are a precious gift from God (grandchildren are can always send them back to mom and dad) and I need to make sure that I connect regularly with them.

4. Develop my leadership team by challenging them even when it hurts.

Our church leadership struggled this year. We went through some serious spiritual battles. In some cases, this really hurt all of us. We struggled to work together on getting what was an important action to do. I am going to challenge them. I am going to follow up with them. I am going to ask them to make some changes. I am going to ask them to reevaluate themselves and then their ministry. A "gut check" is in order. I think evaluation is often neglected when it comes to ministry. I like to think that I regularly evaluate myself. I have to listen and learn from others and I expect my leaders to do the same and to be honest with themselves on what they did well and what can they improve in 2010. A good part of that means, I need to lead them. I need to take them to the place God wants them to be. They will be stretched this that I don't meaning doing more with less...but I mean to stretch them where God wants to put them. Things that they thought were impossible, become possible. Maybe it is creativity, fundraising, partnering with others but they have to make changes. Don't worry guys...I will ask my leaders to read this. I love you Leadership Team!

5. Pray...pray...pray by praying every morning even when I don't feel like it.

My Senior Pastor told me that I need to be a man of prayer. It is where we go to God and communicate with Him and Him with us. It is an area that I struggle regularly to do. Doing it on a regular basis will challenge me to be more disciplined and focused. I pray randomly. I don't have a specific time. There is nothing wrong with this, but I think that this year I am going to get out of my box and step into an area that will make me feel uncomfortable. So God...ready or I come!

6. Improve my health by eating right and exercising regularly.

I have had alot of unusual health problem in 2009. Hurt my back. Discovered I have acid reflux. Cholesterol and blood sugar is not where it should be. I am also overweight. I have less energy and do not have a desire to exercise. That has got to change. If I am to be fully functional and to be used by God, I need to be eating right and exercising more. This is something totally out of my element. I am an "office guy", I sit down all day on the computer. No exercise there. That is changing.

What commitments will you make this year? I hope mine are helpful and challenging to you!


Anonymous said...

Those are very admirable goals. I pray 2010 will be a year of positive changes in not only your life, but in those lives around you.

-Your bro

Kevin said...

Great goals Waldo! May God richly bless you as you seek Him in 2010!