Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Today I got on the treadmill. It was my first step in exercising daily. My doctor has told me to exercise for at least 30 minutes. He told me I need to lose weight and that my sugar is too high. If I don't exercises my health will detoriate.

If I am to have a healthy spirtual life, I too must exercise my faith (Bible study, prayer, actions, attitudes). I need to build up my strength so I can last longer in my journey with Jesus.

A commentary on Hebrews 10:36 says, "Spiritual strength doesn"t come without exercise. There is a price to pay for having an intimate walk with God." I have to go now and begin my exercise with God.

"You need endurance, so that after you have done God's will, you may receive what was promised."~Hebrews 10:36


Ken Miller, Jr. said...

Good post...It is a good reminder that we need to be both healthy physically and spiritually.


Randy said...

Waldo, glad to hear you're moving in the right direction with your health!

We just bought a treadmill recently -- in PA it's easier to be active in the spring/summer/fall and much harder in the (long) winter, especially with a young child/children -- so the treadmill will give us a way to keep active through the winter!