Saturday, October 10, 2009


We are in October and the time where haunted houses, ghosts, witches and superstitions are predominate in our community. People invest a lot in the "mystery" of some things they do not understand. The most common fear is of the number "13"called Triskaidekaphobia.

But for me and my wife, that number is a blessing. You see, it had been 13 weeks since we last saw our son on July 12, 2009. He went to join the United States Marine Corps. While we could not speak to him (except for 30 seconds in the very beginning) during boot camp, we constantly wrote letters. We could not wait to hear from him. The stories on how he was doing, how he was adjusting to military life, the making of new friends, was warmly welcomed as we checked the mailbox daily.

Finally, the day arrived. The 13 weeks was over on October 8th and 9th. We got to see our son. It was something I had been secretly longing for. To see my one and only son. On October 9, he was able to come home and share the stories. Share his experiences and finally not be told what to do.

When you wait to see someone you love, the number 13 is insignificant. it is just another number. It hold no superstition, it holds no bad luck. Because when you love someone you will wait and anticipate their return.

Jesus said,
You heard me say, 'I am going away and I am coming back to you.' If you loved me, you would be glad that I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I.
One day, Jesus is coming back. I wait for him. I love Him now. If he comes back in 13 hours, days, or centuries those who follow, believe and love Him need to not worry about the world's superstition. We have no superstition in Christ, because we know He will come back...just like my son did.

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