Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Supernatural - Act 2

For those of you who have been following my blog....WELCOME BACK! For those of you who have randomly selected my page...WELCOME! I am going through the Book of Acts. Each chapter tells us of alot of miraculous things that happen, but what we see is something...well explosive...something supernatural....and Peter was the one who led the charge.

Maybe you thought it was the coming of the Holy Spirit. No! I am talking about the impact of the words Peter said. He began to give his first sermon and at the end he gave what we call today as an "altar call" or "invitation". He did not hold back his words. "Repent", "Be Baptized" and he said every one of you!

What happened was so cool and I can't think of one single event where this supernatural event. We find this in Acts 2:43,
"Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were
addded to their number that day."
Three thousand! The same day! Baptized! WOW! Peter must have been exhausted from dunking those folks. Okay...I am being a bit humorous, but I can't imagine an entire neighborhood being changed. It doesn't seem possible. They didn't have webcasting, email, or podcast! That is what makes what happened, SUPERNATURAL.

We must never doubt the power of God! We have the same power that existed back then. However, I think we limit ourselves....and we should know better. God is supernatural...he is beyond what we can think or imagine. We have a big God, with big Power. Are you willing to be stretched and allow God to do the supernatural in your life?

Next week....Peter keeps on going and going and going....

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