Thursday, February 25, 2010

Give...Give...Give - Acts 4

I have not been able to update my blog until today. My grandma just passed away yesterday and since that time, I have been thinking about the times I have had with her.

What I remember most is that my grandma was a giver. Every Christmas she always gave us grandkids gifts. Same gift for all the boys and same gift for all the girls. It didn't matter how many grandkids or great grandkids or step grandkids...she always gave.

She modeled the principle we find in Acts 4:32.

All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possession was his own, but they shared everthing they had.

My grandma was a giver. She gived, because she believed in every word in the Bible. She believed in living a life full of God. She was dedicated and if you saw her, she might ask you if you want something to eat. She would greet you and love you.
WHY? Because that is how God greets us. That is how Jesus would greet us. He would give and love you. Remember to live for God is to be a giver. How is your giving? Are you sharing what you have?

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