Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Acts 4 - Get Out Of Jail Free

As a kid, I remember playing monopoly with my uncle. We didn't really understand all the rules of the game, but there is one thing we did understand. We understood the value of the "Get Out Of Jail Free" card. It would mean that we would no longer would be trapped in jail, having to roll the perfect die number, or pay a subastantial fine to be released. Sometimes it seems as though we did not belong there in the first place because we did nothing wrong.

Peter and John had performed a great miracle in the healing of the crippled beggar and they were announcing to the world about Jesus and the resurrection. So many people were interested in what they had to say. They were receiving alot of attention and it was noticeable among the religious leaders who would have them arrested and put in jail. While in jail they were questioned about "what power or what name did you do this [miracle]?" Who gave you the authority?

Peter got right to the point and no longer feared them. He declared that the way to heaven is through Jesus (Acts 4:12)only. Which to the religious leaders meant that there was nothing they could do in their conduct, religious obedience, or other way to arrive in heaven. The only way was to have Jesus, their Get Out of Jail Free card!

Have you heard about God? Jesus? Did you realize that He has a plan and purpose for your life? Have you been trying to do everything on your own: be a good person, help others, obey the laws? It is time to be free of the things, attitudes and actions that have separate you from God. Will you accept God's Get Out Of Jail free card? Take Jesus in your life right now and experience God's love for you!

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