Tuesday, January 26, 2016

40 Days of Prayer - Day 17

Have you ever been hurt by someone you love?  Maybe a brother or sister or even a spouse?   Has someone ever betrayed your trust that destroyed a previously life long relationship?  Or maybe the problem or issue really wasn't that big but you continie to hold on to bitterness and anger?

One of the first and sincerest prayers I ever said took place in June 1993.  I felt the presence of God's Spirit speaking to me.  My wife and I walked together hand in hand and we prayed to God with an absolute  certainty that He was going to forgive us.  It was our first prayer together.

I don't want to say that asking and receiving forgiveness is easy, but it is much easier than forgiving someone who has hurt you, wronged you, or broken your trust.  Yet that is the type of forgiveness God expects of His people.  There is this phrase that says, "Forgiven people, forgive people."  Who do you need to forgive?

This evening pray for forgiveness from God but then pray that you would demonstrate forgiveness to others in your life.  Don't delay, pray today!

bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. 

Colossians 3:13

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