Saturday, February 13, 2016

40 Days Of Prayer - Day 35

Here is my prayer:

O Lord, hear my prayer.  Hear my cries for justice and mercy.  Hear my cries for the brokenhearted.  Hear my cries for those who struggle everyday just to survive.

O Lord, hear my prayer.  Hear my cries for the sickness that is present all around.  God, it seems that death is finality, but with death can come eternity for those who trust you.  So Father, help us to see those who are in sickness.  Help us to minister to them with gentleness, kindness, and love.  Lord, help us to pray for them to be healed or to be comforted.  We know ultimately, that a person's life ends with You.

O Lord, hear my prayers for those in relationships.  I pray that the relationships we have may reflect our love for You.  I pray Father, that when a relationship is clearly unhealthy to our relationship with You we need to make change.  Help us not to reason in our minds that "it's okay".  Open our eyes so that we can see You and make necessary changes with ourselves.

O Lord, hear my prayers for Your people.  Those who call themselves Christians, because they follow Christ.  Lord, help them to walk and talk with you.  Lord, help them to trust you.  Lord, awaken them to you.  The relationship they have with you is powerful and awesome!  I pray Father that Your people would WAKE UP and not fall into temptation, be satisfied with sin, or return to themselves.  I pray that they would discover the joy of salvation!  I pray they would remember that day when they said to You, "Father, here is my life now make yours".  

O Lord, hear my prayer that the church would change.  That the church would never lose its first love.  That the church is about people and not buildings.  That the church belongs to you.  That the church seeks to pursue its mission to "go and make disciples" and "baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit".  Lord, may the message of Jesus Christ be given at your church.  May people not be discouraged, but encouraged knowing that they can be used by God.  Lord, help the church #bethechurch.  Cause the people to see that church is more than just attendance.  I pray that the church would not be a place of information, but transformation.

O Lord, hear my prayer that I would turn to you.  That I would confess my sins as boldly as King David.  That I would seek forgiveness from You.  That I would listen to what You would have me to do as the undershepehered of Your people.  O Lord, help me not to forget to love You.  O Lord, help me not to forget to strengthen my marriage.  O Lord, help me not to forget to develop my relationships with my children and grandchildren.  O Lord, help me to model a Christ like life to my friends, family, and all those around me.  O Lord, I want a faith that can move mountains.  I want a faith that can change.  I want a faith that shows others what God can do in a person's life.

O Lord, hear my prayers.

What is your prayer?

Psalm 54
1O God, save me by your name,
    and vindicate me by your might.
O God, hear my prayer;
    give ear to the words of my mouth.
For strangers have risen against me;
    ruthless men seek my life;
    they do not set God before themselves. Selah
Behold, God is my helper;
    the Lord is the upholder of my life.
He will return the evil to my enemies;
    in your faithfulness put an end to them.
With a freewill offering I will sacrifice to you;
    I will give thanks to your name, O Lord, for it is good.
For he has delivered me from every trouble,
    and my eye has looked in triumph on my enemies.

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