Sunday, January 31, 2016

40 Days of Prayer - Day 22

Sometimes we only look at the negative side of life.  We think our job is the worst job in the world, we think we live in the worst neighborhoods, and we think our life is just so bad.

It is tempting to fall down this path of "no return".  We can easily live a life of a Negative Nancy. 

In our walk with God we should see the blessings God has give us.  A roof to call home, food on the table, and air to breathe.  God promises his children an abundant life and we néed to embrace that.

Tonight, thank God for the blessings he has given you both big and small. Together we praise God from whom all blessings fall.

9 I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture. 10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.

John 10:9-10

Saturday, January 30, 2016

40 Days of Prayer - Day 21

Day 21

Tomorrow, most of us will come to CornerStone and worship together with our brothers and sisters in Christ.  But a lot goes on Sunday and there are many people you need to pray for as they prepare to reach, teach, and preach.  It takes a team to make it all come together for God to get the glory.  So today, would you remember some of the CornerStone team members.

Pray for the Usher/Greeters:  These are the people who open the door, shake your hand and greet you with a smile.  They distribute the bulletins and ask if you want an offering envelope.  They answer questions and may help you to your seat.  They even help receive the offering during the service.  They are both young adults and youth.  Pray for them.

Sunday School Teachers:  We have two wonderful ladies that teach your children.  They faithful prepare the lessons and activities for the day.  Which means they are studying the lesson, finding crafts for the activities, and praying for your children during the week.  Sometimes we only have one person to teach and sometime up to seven.  Would you remember to pray for them?
Kid’s Church Teachers:  During our Sunday services, the kids are celebrating together doing activities and learning more about God.  Our teachers work hard in getting ready for the day and anticipating many kids to come.  Pray for them as they study and teach both preschoolers and children.  They need your support and encouragement.

Worship Singers:  On Wednesday nights, the worship singers (aka Praise Team) practice the songs for Sunday.  Some of the songs are new to them (and us) and so they try to get the tempo, the words and the flow of each song.  In addition, they try to identify with the meaning of the songs.  Pray for their voices.

Audio and Visual Crew:  You may not realize it, but did you know we have an Audio and Visual Crew.  They make sure that you can hear the music, singers, and Pastor Waldo.  They make sure the music video is played on cure and also make sure to display the Bible verse on the screen.  They make adjustments in the middle of service at times you may not realize.  One time, they had to reboot the computer in the middle of service.  They are always trying to make the worship experience the best as possibly they can.

Guests:  We need to pray for all those who God is bringing.  They are guests in God’s house.  Pray for those who come regularly and also pray for those who might experience CornerStone for the first time.  Pray that you would invite and bring someone to church tomorrow.  Pray that our guests will discover how they can have a relationship with God.

Pastors:  Will you take a moment to pray for both Pastor Waldo and Pastor Alex.  Both have been sick with cold like symptoms.  Pray that their voices would be clear tomorrow.  Pray that the message of God would communicate to everyone tomorrow.  Pray that God would use them in a vibrant and mighty way.

We have a lot of people to pray for.  So let’s get started!

And when they arrived and gathered the church together, they declared all that God had done with them, and how he had opened a door of faith to the Gentiles.  Acts 14:27

Friday, January 29, 2016

40 Days of Prayer - Day 20

Today represents a big accomplishment!  We are halfway through our 40 Days of Prayer.  Many of you have come during the past 20 days to come and pray together along with our Spanish Church.  Some of you have been praying at home during our time between 6pm - 7 pm.   The main goal is to get the church praying together and believing what God is going to do!

This day has caused me to reflect on what we have been praying for.  As I searched the blog posts I have written the past 19 days, I found a blog I posted over two year ago on October 31, 2013.  I ask that you would join me tonight in praying for what I wrote (slight edit) then:

Lord I pray...

Lord I pray that you will impact the church.  I know that the church is used in so many way and it is the people that are the real church.

Lord I pray that Your people would become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.  I pray that they would seek you earnestly.  I pray that the Word of God would hold true in their lives.  I pray that it would not become a book that sits on the coffee table and collects dust.

Lord I pray that when Your people are confronted with the truth, they would accept it and apply it to their lives.  I pray that their minds would be cleared from excuses, reasoning, and lies.  I pray that they understand there is no error in You.  You are a holy God and the One that is to be worshipped.

Lord I pray that Your people will cease from questioning their faith in You.  I pray that they see the victories in their lives both big and small.  That the origin of victories is because of Your love for them and their attitude towards You.

Lord I pray that repentance is not just a word in the dictionary.  I pray that Christ followers would embrace it daily.  They would see Your need in them.  I pray that conviction of Your truth is real.  I pray they would acknowledge faults in their own lives and DO something about it (change their mind).

Lord I pray that You would give people direction.  Your people are lacking direction and are being corrupted by people, distractions, hurts and pain.  Your people know better and I pray that You would intervene in their lives.

Lord I pray that Your people would realize they are not perfect.  Father, even those who acknowledge imperfection in their own lives refuse to accept that other are imperfect as well.  Help us not to point out imperfections, but help us to point them to live within You.

Lord I pray that you would separate those who say they know Christ to those who truly live for Christ.  I pray that we take seriously the testimony that has been instilled in us.  That we are ambassadors for you in speech, attitude, relationship and actions.  When we fail you, convict us immediately.

Lord I pray that you would move within the leadership of Your church.  I pray that your leaders would be humbled and that pride would not enter their hearts.  Lord I pray that leaders are seeking your vision for their ministry. Lord I pray that leaders would develop other leaders.  I pray that teamwork and vision direction would be most important to them.

Lord I pray for the lost.  I pray that we have a passion developed for them.  I pray that we never forget that we were once lost, but now found.  Lord, I pray that we would accept the lost into the Church.  I pray that we would not judge or point out their errors.  I pray that we love them.  I pray that we share Jesus with them not just in words, but in actions.  I pray you would open our eyes to the hurting people.  People who have no hope when they die.

Lord I pray for a revival in the Christ follower.  I pray that following You is the only way to live.  I pray that Christians don't view Church as a hobby or something to do, but that it is indeed critical in our lives.

Lord I pray for me.  I pray you would use me for Your glory.  I pray that You would give me the words everyday I step on the stage to declare Your word.  Help me to connect to all people groups and show them how they can apply God's word to their lives.  Let me hear You with clarity.  Make my mind open to you.

I love you Lord.  Thank you for Jesus.


Thursday, January 28, 2016

40 Days of Prayer - Day 19

Today, I left work happy of the accomplishment we just had!  We experienced a great victory on a project that is about 75% complete.  I gave a coworker and intern a high five for a job well done.

Encouragement goes a long way and we need more of it.  When you pray for others you may do it in your night time prayer or pray while you are walking or driving.  But how about praying for a person right on the spot.  This evening spend some time sitting and praying next to a brother or sistet in the worship center.  Pray with them and not at them from a far.  If your at home tonight, pray for your loved ones .  Let's make a personal commitment to pray for one another right on the spot.  Prayer is personal and powerful.

All these with one accord were devoting themselves to prayer, together with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers. Acts 1:14

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

40 Days of Prayer - Day 18

I can't recall who said this but it is a word  I am familiar with "Unlovable".  Think about what the word means  Someone who is not loved.  Someone who is not part of society.  Someone who is not accepted but rejected by many.

Maybe you have felt that before. Maybe you think that no one in the world cares about.  No friends, no family and you live with no hope.

God came for a person like you.  The God who created the Earth you reside in.  The God who created you. 
For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.  Colossians 1:16

God loves the Unlovable of the world.  He wants to have a relationship with you.  Maybe some of you are loved by God but today you need to begin to love the Unlovable.  Would you pray tonight that God would show you whom you need to love.  Turn the unlovable to lovable.

Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.  1 Peter 4:8

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

40 Days of Prayer - Day 17

Have you ever been hurt by someone you love?  Maybe a brother or sister or even a spouse?   Has someone ever betrayed your trust that destroyed a previously life long relationship?  Or maybe the problem or issue really wasn't that big but you continie to hold on to bitterness and anger?

One of the first and sincerest prayers I ever said took place in June 1993.  I felt the presence of God's Spirit speaking to me.  My wife and I walked together hand in hand and we prayed to God with an absolute  certainty that He was going to forgive us.  It was our first prayer together.

I don't want to say that asking and receiving forgiveness is easy, but it is much easier than forgiving someone who has hurt you, wronged you, or broken your trust.  Yet that is the type of forgiveness God expects of His people.  There is this phrase that says, "Forgiven people, forgive people."  Who do you need to forgive?

This evening pray for forgiveness from God but then pray that you would demonstrate forgiveness to others in your life.  Don't delay, pray today!

bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. 

Colossians 3:13

Monday, January 25, 2016

40 Days of Prayer - Day 16

Near our church is Mount Rubidoux.  At the peak of the mountain you can clearly see a cross.  There is a long pathway you can travel to view the cross.

A fee years ago, there was a lawsuit saying that the cross could not be on public land.  Therefore, the city decided to solicit bids for the parcel upon which the cross stood.  Fortunately, the cross was saved when the bidding results were revealed.

It seems that the cross is always under attack.  I has become a visible symbol on mountains, t-shirts and jewelry.  It is because the cross symboylizes where Christ gave His life for us.

Tonight, would you pray that the meaning of the cross is alive and present in the hearts of God's people?  Would you pray that the cross would show people the hope that can be found in Jesus.

19 For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, 20 and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross.  Colossians 1:19-20

Sunday, January 24, 2016

40 Days of Prayer - Day 15

Day 15

We have two high schools, one middle school and at least five elementary schools within a mile radius of CornerStone.  What does that tell us?  It tells us that there are many children and teens living in our area.  It means that we need to make an effort to connect with them.  But what it also means is that they need our prayers.

Tonight, would you spend some time praying for the children and youth of our community.  They are not just the generation of the future, they are the generation of the present.  Let’s never forget them.

11 Command and teach these things. 12 Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity. 13 Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation, to teaching.   1 Timothy 4:11-13

Saturday, January 23, 2016

40 Days Of Prayer - Day 14

Day 14

Have you ever had one of your family members come down with a cold or cough?   Then it continues to someone else.   And then another family member…and then another family member.  Pretty soon, the whole entire family is sick.  While a cold or cough for most of us is nothing to worry about, there are people with more health issues then you can ever imagine.

Indeed, the Lord’s people are called to pray for the sick.  Many of us know people who are sick and are in need of healing.  Let us remember all those tonight as we come together and pray for those who are sick and pray that the Lord’s will be done.

13 Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praise. 14 Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. 15 And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. 16 Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.  ~James 5:13-16